RFID Hardware - Alien Technology www.alientechnology.com RFID Software & Solutions – FileTrail Inc www.filetrail.com CAD/CAM Software - Cimmetry Systems www.cimmetry.com |
Alien Technology
Alien Technology is the leader in RFID, and supplies UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products and services for detailed clients, consumption, manufacture, defence, transports and logistics, pharmaceutical and many other industries. The companies use Alien’s RFID products and services in order to improve the efficiency and its supply chain, logistics and products and pieces controls. Alien’s products include Tags RFID, Lectors RFID, formation and professional services. Alien was founded in 1994 and employs about 235 persons worldwide. Alien's plants are located in: Headquarter in Morgan Hill, CA; a fabric of Tags RFID in Fargo, ND; the Centre of Solutions Alien a RFID in Dayton, Ohio; and selling offices in the United States, Europe and in Asia. Alien is a member of the EPCGlobal.
FileTrail, Inc
With its headquarters in San Jose, California, FileTrail is a company leader in Enterprise Records and Information Management (ERIM), that supplies software and management for the monitoring of objects, registers and documents. The product family of software web of FileTrail allows to manage efficiently the processes and commercial transactions. FileTrail allows to make automatic the labour force of registers and documents, by eliminating manual works and facilitating the processes in your whole organization, by using systems like ERP and eliminating functions such as data enter. The architecture 100% Web of FileTrail, allows a fast installation of the software to decrease the costs of paper and document folders.Cimmetry Systems Corporation
Cimmetry System Corporation is a global leader in solutions of Collaborative Visualisation for the markets of A/E/C, Engineering, Manufacture and Electronics. The product AutoVue with visualisation solutions, mark-up and collaboration, supports hundreds of native formats: 3D CAD parts and assemblies, 2D CAD designs, PCB/IC layouts and schematics, documents scanned and aster, vectorial archives, text documents and graphics.
Find out how your organization can obtain benefits throw the technologies EDI, FRID AutoVue Collaborative Visualization, including:
Integrated WEB solution with the DIC Data Interchange Center of DI2S
The system is integrated with the Data Interchange Center of DI2S, making possible the documents interchange throw EDI or WEB EDI , that becomes even more global, flexible and cheap.
The Data Interchange Center is a global system of messages interchange and data transformation, that allows the sending and receiving of archives and messages in any format (EDI - Email - Flat File - XML), for any destination (PC - Mainframe - FAX - WAP - Postal) at any time.
The system has been designed to be used by different companies, or by different departments inside the same company, that use different format of messages and archives throw the most various communication protocols.
Add a value in any point of your supply chain.
Do like General Motors, Honda, Cummins, Fiat and many other Assemblers that act in the domestic market.
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See other solutions developed by DI2SRFID Data Manager (Central system that controls all the components of each solution RFID implanted, completely integrated with a global system of message change and data transformation – EDI).
FileTrail (Management system of documents and patrimony, that interacts with the identification system of objects throw radio frequency RFID and bar codes).
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