What are the hosted solutions of DI2S for the SCDM? The hosted solution SCDM of DI2S supply modern technologies “state-of-the-art” of control of archives and items related to the traffic of documents EDI. Without the typical investment necessary for the projects of this level. With a low monthly cost, the solution allows you to access the software technology that reduces the labour force costs throw your Internet Navigator, without the need of installing the Software in the computers of your organization. The concept of Software as a Service of DI2S supplies more characteristics, configurations more powerful, easiness to integrate and the best experience for the users. And moreover, it can be launched immediately, easily and rapidly for the use in any part of Brasil and in the foreign countries.
1. IT DOESN’T NEED AN INITIAL INVESTMENT. The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM doesn’t need an initial investment of hardware or software. A small monthly tax for each simultaneous user allows the access to the service and in the base of the Servers of DI2S installed in the best database of Brazil: TIC-TELEFÔNICA ALPHAVILLE The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM will be available automatically in all the computers of your organization, without the installation of the Software. 3. IT DOESN’T NEED AN IT SUPPORT The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM can be used without requiring an internal technical support or a management by your organization. All the Technical Support for the use and practice of your environment is supplied by DI2S without added costs.[ Top of the page
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New updates and versions will be available for the Hosted Solution of DI2S for the SCDM, without requiring an internal technical support or management by your company. . 5. ILLIMITATED QUANTITY OF USERS The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM allows the access to any number of persons, throw the controlled security of your organization, without added costs. . 6. EASY TO START The technical support of DI2S will help you in the configuration of your Solution SCDM according to your needs, at the same time that it supplies a Basic Formation necessary to start easily the use of the FileTrail. 7. FLEXIBLE The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM will be configured to describe with exactness all the items that you want to control – Orders, Invoices, Delivery Alerts, Delivery Programming etc. 8. EXTENDABLE The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM can be extended to control any activity of items or to control various types of items. 9. UPDATABLE The hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM can be easily updated in such a way that you can work with different options of Software in your organization. 10. START TODAY In order to use the hosted solution of DI2S for the SCDM, it is necessary that your company elaborates the purchase, selling and delivery documents throw the Network of EDI of DI2S. All the services will be available just after the signature of the agreement of service supply with DI2S.