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The technology of the SCDM supplies to your organization robust instruments available in the desktop of each user.

The system is divided into 3 huge groups:

The SCDM system allows the transparent integration with any external system and acts with total security for your tranquillity

The Data Interchange Centre of DI2S is a global system of message change and Data Transformation, that allows the sending and receiving of archives and messages in any format (EDI – Email – Flat File – XML), for any destination (PC – Mainframe – FAX – WAP – Postal) at any time.

The system was projected to be used by different companies, or by different departments of the same company, that use different formats of messages and archives throw the most various communication protocols.

It is the easiest, the cheaper, and most secure way to integrate your company with the network of business partnership, suppliers, transportations, distributors, financial institutions and, most of all, with your client network.

See other solutions developed by DI2S

RFID Data Manager (Central system that controls all the components of each solution RFID implanted, completely integrated with a global system of message change and data transformation – EDI).
Know more in the site

FileTrail (Management system of documents and patrimony, that interacts with the identification system of objects throw radio frequency RFID and bar codes).
Know more in the site

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