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Advantages of the SCDM – Automatic Supplier Chain

The industries invest in Software, contract consultants, and make a new physical engineering of your Supply Chain, in order to obtain the expected results. The results obtained with this kind of investment, can be just an illusion.

Sometimes the companies don’t understand that it is not only a question of reducing the costs of increasing the profits.

The important thing is to create a constant increase capacity of your company.

“Let me see the money”. Is it one of the preferred phrases of the President of your company?

The professionals of the supply chain know that the system integration and the automatic processes without the manual intervention lead to different financial benefits.

It is easy to speak! To demonstrate the veracity of this affirmation is even more difficult!

Just to begin, where is the money? Not always the financial benefit is where you think. Many times we think that the financial impact of an Automatic Supply Chain is linked to the operational cost reduction or investment reduction.

It’s true! These reductions bring to financial benefits, but represent just a part of the history.

The real lever of an Automatic Supply Chain creates the development when the production capacity is equilibrated by the demand of the market throw the planning and execution based on the real data.

The available instruments in the SCDM of DI2S allow the use of the productive capacity in an efficient way, allowing a better use of the available stock, that is the basis to obtain financial benefits in the production line.

An Automatic Supply Chain consists in the planning, execution and control of all the events related to your Clients and Suppliers to deliver the right product, in the right quantity, at the same time and right place.

An Automatic Supply Chain uses principles of manufacture, in order to help the industries to answer the question throw the calculation of the average tax of demand per finished product and per component.

The production capacity has to meet the needs of the variation of demand. You have to use the prevision for the planning.

An Automatic Supply Chain have to establish the indexes per items and components.

The production capacity has to word according to the exact indexes.

You don’t have to acquire or deposit more than it is necessary for the production.

All the indexes have to be spread in the whole Supply Chain.

The variation of the demand is critic to determine the capacity limits of each industry.

The flexible limits have to be planned as a function of the deliveries’ deadlines for all the products.

Clients, Suppliers, Financial Institutions, Transporters and Service Suppliers are all active parts of an Automatic Supply Chain, sending and receiving orders, delivery alerts, delivery programming, invoices and many other documents, which contents are archived in the Network of DI2S, for the elaboration of the content and the supply of the most various types of information necessary for each industry.


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