Base concepts of the Supply Chain
There are many factors involved in the management of the supply chain. The Flow is the fundamental element, the base element for all the aspects of the process. There are three (3) principal types of Flows:
Product flows:
It consists in the movement of products and materials between Supplier and Client, including restitutions and service necessities.
Information Flow:
It is the communication process and the update of the status of the Orders and Delivery Alerts.
Financial Flow:
This aspect involves the credit management and the programming of payment, also to guarantee punctuality, efficiency and precision of the monetary transactions.
Together with these categories, there many other elements, including the source of raw materials and parts, the coordination of the manufacture process and product assembly, maintaining the minimum stock in the warehouse and deposits with precision, analysing the offer and research and much more. The challenge of your Management Group of the Supply Chain is that one of maintaining the three flows with their peculiar characteristics efficiently, by obtaining good results for your company
The equilibrium between profit and service to the Client is not easy. In order to maintain a stability in these areas, your work group has to verify continuously all the processes and all the external information, to determine if the objectives of the companies have been reached, if these processes have a high cost benefit, and also how to improve the processes that do not reflect their needs.
The instruments of the SCDM help your work group in all these flows and processes, transforming data in know-how. DI2S develops personalized solutions for your company, in order to eliminate the manual procedures and to make automatic all its processes.
Throw the techniques of EDI, Transference of Archives CAD, Documents Management, Objects identification for Radio Frequency and Bar Codes and, moreover, Software CAD/CAM, DI2s offers a group of solutions for the development and the management of the content, bringing many benefits for your company..
SCDM Supply Chain Data Manager
Visibility of Your Supply Chain
Increasing globalization, legal and regulation alterations, commercial partnership needs, worries with the security, and the constant pressure to do more with less is transferred directly to your corporative supply chain.
A modern corporation needs a SCDM solution that has to be transparent, complete, sure and with an efficient operation.
Can you answer these questions about your Supply Chain?
- Responsibility – with which velocity are my products transported throw the supply chain? Where are my entrance and exit products in a certain moment?
- Completeness – Which are the suppliers that deliver my orders in the right date? Are there delays of the Transporters? Are there orders with pendant items? Which items suffer more the delays?
- Secure – How can I change my confidential engineering archives in a secure way? How could I eliminate intrusions and copies? How could I prevent the use, not authorizes, of my technical specifications?
- Efficiency – How can I establish adequate levels of warehouse stocks of each product? How can I receive an automatic alert on errors in the supply chain?
In order to answer these and other important questions on your Supply Chain, enter into contact with DI2S and know our SCDM.
Components of the SCDM – Supply Chain Data Manager
Our Global Solution of Supply Chain Data Manager is focused on four distinct areas:
Adaptable execution:
We guarantee the transition of your supply chain for a solution of high velocity, with low cost, supplying rapid answers and increasing the visibility and the answer of the acquisitions and replacement of the warehouse.
Supply Management:
Our technologies and Collaborative Commercial Processes improve the research, analysis, contracts, acquisition, invoicing of your products.
Synchronism with the clients:
Integrate the SCDM with the marketing, selling and management of the clients, and you’ll have an increase of availability and lower costs, eliminating losses and accumulation of orders
Security in the Supply Chain:
Respect all the requirements of security and increase the velocity of your processes of reception and delivery of goods.
Solution WEB integrated with the DIC Data Interchange Centre of DI2S
The system is integrated in the Data Interchange Centre, making possible the change of documents throw EDI or WEB EDI, or that make it even more global, flexible and with a low cost.
The Data Interchange Center is a global system of message change and Data transformation, that allows the sending and reception of archive in any format (EDI – Email – Flat File – XML), for any destination (PC – Mainframe – FAX – WAP – Postal) at any time.
The system was projected to be used by different companies, or by different departments of the same company, that use different formats of messages and archives throw the various communication protocols.
Add a value in each point of your supply chain.
Enter into contact with DI2S and make your company an user of the SCDM.
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